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She makes a bunch of great points, but as someone who has worked on several projects with a properly implemented ORM, I find that I have to disagree with the post.

It sounds like a lot of people who are Anti-ORM in the comments (here, and on her blog), are focusing on the saturation of relational databases, and touting that NoSQL style data stores are a better fit for certain problems.

No argument here

But in a relational DB, assuming you are using it for its intended purpose (storing relational models, and not "objects"), I don't see why anyone would want to eschew the use of a proper ORM, with the exception of incredibly small projects with minimal database access.

For medium to large projects, I've never once regretted using an ORM. Not having to write my CRUD statements? Having all of an objects relational data lazy-loadable and at my finger tips? Sign me up! Just my experience.

I feel as though this author has worked in environments with other developers who didn't "get" the benefits of ORMs, and thus the implementations of those ORMs suffered. This is just my opinion from what I've read. I could be wrong here.

Death by a thousand queries, however, is a completely valid complaint. In fact, it's my one of my only major gripes with ORMs. But maybe I've just never run into these cases that the author has that makes ORMs so unbearable to use. Maybe i'm just lucky?

Also, she re-blogged this from several months ago: http://seldo.com/weblog/2011/06/15/orm_is_an_antipattern

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