Yeah, I'm not sure the point they are trying to make here. Each of these AWS services is clearly and demonstrably less popular than the alternative it's compared against. Mongo and DocumentDB for example aren't even close:
OpenSearch is a massively inferior offering compared to Elasticsearch too. It became outdated the moment it was forked, the documentation is lacking, and since you'll end up looking up ES docs and forgetting to switch to version 7.10, you'll get a nice reminder of everything new that has been added that you can't actually use.
The only thing it has going for it is that it's managed and you're already on AWS, so you don't need to spend months working up a contract with a new vendor and doing the security audit dance.
> so you don't need to spend months working up a contract with a new vendor and doing the security audit dance.
That's a very big moat. Many decision makers are risk-averse w.r.t to infrastructure vendors and don't mind paying (or making someone else pay) a premium for that.
The only thing that changed in the saying "no one was fire for choosing IBM" is the name.
> The only thing it has going for it is that it's managed and you're already on AWS, so you don't need to spend months working up a contract with a new vendor and doing the security audit dance.
That's a pretty substantial win for many projects, similar to how popular RDS is while giving up the ability to get updates as fast as if you run your own servers. People pay a lot for stability and reduced staffing requirements, which is a choice — calling it “massively inferior” seems like the wrong call versus recognizing that not everyone has the same needs and resources as you do.
It's functionally inferior, because if you go into it expecting modern elasticsearch you'll be sorely disappointed. It's only now that it's been renamed to OpenSearch that this becomes less of an issue, as the two technologies have completely diverged.
Anything AWS decides to run a managed version of will automatically have an advantage over the non-AWS equivalent but that's not a property of the technology itself really, it's just that you've already done all the paperwork and bureaucracy to use AWS in your org.
I mean, the word we're not using here but ought to is vendor lock-in. I don't really need the patronising remark about recognising other's needs either.
> It's functionally inferior, because if you go into it expecting modern elasticsearch you'll be sorely disappointed.
Or, for a large number of people, won't notice the difference. There are some important questions about how ElasticSearch's license & community works, and whether you're risking lock-in by using a managed service, but detail-free hyperbole contributes noise but not value to that discussion.
For example, what are the features you think no user of ElasticSearch could live without which are in ElasticSearch after 7.10 but not OpenSearch 1.1? What percentage of users depend on those features? How concerned are you about vendor lock-in with ElasticSearch's unilateral control of the project's roadmap? Do you think there's more or less risk from an open source project you can run anywhere which, you fear, will not be updated as frequently or from one which has a history of backwards-incompatible changes requiring you to stay current or fall out of support by popular clients?
These are all questions about the merits of either technology.
We've already identified that the merit of a managed AWS (but really any cloud provider) solution is that you've already done your due diligence for that provider, and that alone far outweighs whatever other merit you might consider.
Some of the other stuff is what I might consider if I had to make a case for approving a new vendor, but this is an overwhelming barrage of rhetorical questions that makes it difficult to have a reasoned conversation about.
I mean, come on... what percentage of users depend on those features? Unilateral control over a product roadmap? Am I supposed to actually know these things when stating my opinion that OpenSearch is lame in comparison to the original ElasticSearch, based on my anecdotal experience of dealing with the two? Do you have those answers yourself?
As to the risk, a fair question. There's currently a threat that ES client libraries will reject a connection to OS (and I recall this has already been done for some languages). Not the end of the world but the only people who have lost out from the licensing spat you've alluded to are the users. The risks of onboarding Elastic as a new vendor or self-hosting are well known and part of the usual discussion of trade-offs one will have.
You were making some absolute assertions, so yes, I would expect you to have some actual examples based on real experience. Asking you what homework you based that on wasn’t rhetoric but simply a question because I know multiple projects using OpenSearch who’ve had no problems other than Elastic sabotaging certain clients. It would be useful to know, for example, if there was a certain class of functionality or performance challenge where the difference is significant.
- #2, #3, even maybe #4/#5 are big revenue. Cloud is unusually big and still growing insanely.
- crazy margins when they don't have to invent the core concept, go through core product/market fit R&D, nor fight for a distribution channel to market+sell it, nor fight middlemen for competitive pricing
- cross-selling & ecosystem lock-in means even revenue/profit don't have to be high or even positive
OpenSearch is a massively inferior offering compared to Elasticsearch too. It became outdated the moment it was forked, the documentation is lacking, and since you'll end up looking up ES docs and forgetting to switch to version 7.10, you'll get a nice reminder of everything new that has been added that you can't actually use.
> Each of these AWS services is clearly and demonstrably less popular than the alternative it's compared against.
Subject to the limitations of the data, which is mostly what they can scrape from open sources with an unspecified weighting algorithm:
That's important to pay attention to because there are many areas this can go wrong — for example, it doesn't include AWS support or Amazon's own Q&A forums so you know you're missing a certain fraction of highly-relevant activity and, more importantly, as a bulk data-mining exercise you have a big challenge differentiating breadth and depth. MongoDB was heavily promoted about a decade ago so there are a ton of SO questions from people who fired up a copy and were looking to use it — which is great, but it doesn't tell you how many of them ended up actually using it for something serious or how big their project was. A thousand hobbyists storing 1% of the number of records of a single enterprise customer is not really something you can easily distill down to a single value. It also doesn't tell you how well people are sticking with it — for example, mature development / ops teams tend to ask fewer basic questions (they've been resolved & in-house expertise means they might never hit StackOverflow) but they might post harder questions about scaling. Does that mean that use of the technology is tapering or that the community is maturing?
The other big question is how you account for managed services. For example, if I use Kinesis I'm outsourcing a lot of operations to AWS; if I use Kafka I have to bring that to the table — one of those scenarios is likely going to involve a LOT more questions and open activity which on its own doesn't tell you anything about how many applications or how much data I'm using it for in either case.