I disagree. The most successful entrepreneurs learn quickly and iterate quickly. You usually can learn something in two weeks - even if it's just that certain language you use is unclear or a turn off. And that's a start.
Quick iteration is the goal, but in two weeks you can't possibly gain enough data, experience, and mindshare to properly build a conclusive picture. Sure, iteration means making quick tactical decisions and conclusions, but business is about strategy and that often moves on the scale of months (even in lean startup land). Those that try to make strategic decisions faster than they can figure out what their data and experience means always end up falling over (I've worked for companies that have done this - twice).
I agree, but I don't think that the original poster was claiming to have a conclusive picture. He had a few observations from the first two weeks, and I'm arguing that they were valid. Was it a good idea to act on them so quickly? Possibly. In my experience, (nine years of running the same business) intuition is sometimes enough.