Yeah this is something people love to gloss over. On good 5G the connection latency might be 15-20ms to some topographically "close" server. Realistically that's an absolute minimum and you'll see 50-100ms latency to actual servers.
When work depends on those resources it can't even start until all the data is returned. Far too often nothing can happen until a case are of resources gets returned. Then there's the fun outlier of some slow AdTech script that finally returns, screws with the DOM, and causes a layout and repaint.
It's just today's "What Andy Giveth, Bill Taketh". Great job all around everyone.
When work depends on those resources it can't even start until all the data is returned. Far too often nothing can happen until a case are of resources gets returned. Then there's the fun outlier of some slow AdTech script that finally returns, screws with the DOM, and causes a layout and repaint.
It's just today's "What Andy Giveth, Bill Taketh". Great job all around everyone.