“The fox isn't trying to get 100 meters away - it's trying to get 100 triangles away.”
When escaping, if they get nearby a “dense” zone, their behavior makes them run towards it since there are more triangles to hop to and it makes them “feel like” they are farther away from you, instead they will keep running around in the same “dense” area.
Well… maybe I could’ve explained it better but yeah, it’s more or less like this.
Personally, if I was being chased by someone/something, the last thing I would do is run across an open field. Instead, I'd seek a more complex environment.
You made me think that young children do something like that too. When running away/playing they try to maximize the cost/effort of running away, not actual distance.
Like: zigzagging, passing under chairs or tables, climbing on something just to immediately climbing off. The problem is they usually maximize their effort, not yours in following them.
When escaping, if they get nearby a “dense” zone, their behavior makes them run towards it since there are more triangles to hop to and it makes them “feel like” they are farther away from you, instead they will keep running around in the same “dense” area.
Well… maybe I could’ve explained it better but yeah, it’s more or less like this.