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Awesome! I am going to make a direct JSON renderer for the PixelBlaze!

That would be amazing!

Aaaaand done, only 4h later! Antialiased, motion blurred, with colour and nonrectangular projection.


I'll be posting the code just as soon as it's cleaned up. It runs at ~30fps but there's quite a bit of redundancy.

this is great! how do you feel using the coordinates? can I link the video on the github readme?

I feel cozy and delicious using the coordinates! I already had a clock renderer (see LEDaliClock video) in which each character had exactly 8 points in a loop, drawing 9 lines, and I lerp'd those coordinates to morph the characters. I dropped those constraints and added the extra loop over your multiple sections and it just worked.

You can link the video as long as you promise to accept my PR when I make a better one. That was made at 01:30 after 4h of hacking and I'm going to make a new one with a tripod and better exposure once I'm happy with the code. Interestingly, any still frame looks terrible and slightly unreadable, but at 30fps with fractional coordinates and antialiased lines, the moving image looks great! Hooray for the persistence of vision!

FWIW: 1h for 25 lines of Ruby, because I forgot how to Ruby. 1h for updating to my latest framebuffer code and drawing your character format, 1h for a stupid bug (as always!), and 1h tweaking the curvy projection and other effects.

FWIW the new video is at https://youtu.be/GWxssA3JNBc

... and I sent you an email!

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