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This is so cool.

Some suggestions:

  - I have no idea what the four buttons at the top mean
  - The edit sidebar could be a little bigger. I'd even onsider making it horizontal? (Edit: just noticed it becomes horizontal when zooming in. Nice!)
  - Undo/Redo would be nice
  - Add a little message people can use to give credit to you

1. Noted, the buttons are confusing. In the meantime: "download" downloads the original font that I made, "download edited" download currently edited font (if you have made any edits) in .otf format, "download json" downloads each char definition as coordinates, and "restore json" lets you restore a previously edited json so you can keep editing your font. Everything happens locally, there are no servers. 2. Yep 3. Do you have something in mind? :)

Would be nice to customize the name of the font before downloading it

I want to change the size of the letter grid... Maybe to 10x10?

Also, I want to change the aspect ratio of the grid. :D

So, a 10x10 letter grid with a 4x3 aspect ratio.


Edit: the example is the letter Q, and somehow it has sub-grid lines. If you take a look at the top two corners, you'll see the line's points are between grid-points. Is there a way to turn off snapping?

If you open the editor on a bigger window (I think I made it 1000px or more) you'll get the "full" editor with the dots that you are missing. I may make it an option so you can get the full editor on mobile too.

And yes, more points and different aspect ratio would be nice, currently the `textarea` works by having a native textarea invisible on top of the SVG render, and tuning it to be in sync was a bit hard. So I think I can make custom grids and ratios happen but I'll have to disable the textarea for them, no big deal I guess :)

Shrinking the window and expanding it again sometimes makes the smaller dots disappear from the full-sized editor, but not every time. I'll let you debug that :)

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