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Ben and I worked together. He's very smart and fully understands the implications; he's also British and so understatement is natural for him.

In that case, I simply wish that he would adapt his style to suit his, presumably mostly non-British, audience.

Mono-cultures are bad! I'm British. The blog is my blog, not a corporate blog.

I think it's fair for my own content to genuinely be me.

Cultural differences sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Like in this case, where I assumed, incorrectly, that you were being deliberately coy. If you want to keep your own personal style, please do, but be advised that your language is not the universal language, and if you wish to have an international audience and be understood by most of them, a little bit of adaptation goes a long way.

The world doesn't exist for your personal style. Enjoy the variety.

I quite enjoyed it.

I don't. What a sad world that would be.

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