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>Not necessarily. We have evolved features that are beneficial to us as well as those that just happened and wasn’t too detrimental nor useful. We are not the “perfect creature”.

Nobody made an argument for being the perfect creature. I made an argument for the fact we were designed to eat meat and veggies.

>While being able to digest meat is likely beneficial (though actually it is very easy to consume meat, especially cooked one compared to raw vegetables — just look at a cow’s digestive track), it doesn’t mean that we are made for that.

You have enzymes in your body or arrangement of atoms that are targeted towards specifically digesting and breaking down meat. Sure you can put ethanol in a car designed for gasoline but my point remains the same, we were designed to eat meat.

If you want to get pedantic here I can reword it into a stuffy/wordy sentence and avoid utilizing the word "design.":

   We have evolved for millions of years to have bodies that happen to be extremely efficient at digesting and breaking down meat.

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