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TodoMVC - A common demo application for popular JavaScript MVC frameworks (github.com/addyosmani)
91 points by brianshumate on Sept 12, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I built this thing as a learning experience.

Jeremy Ashkenas then proposed to make it open source as an example app so that people could learn from it too. I finally had a chance to contribute to open source (but I did not know it would be a significant contribution)

I'm just glad it's been picked up by so many frameworks along the way. I think this is in big part due to the fact that it had just the right amount of simplicity / complexity and is perhaps one of the most basic use case for a framework like that. The new "Hello World" first-timer experience.

It's super work and a great Hello World+ or maybe a "Hello Solar System" example. :)

This lil' app really has some legs on it...

For the (historical) record, it was originally introduced by Nick Fitzgerald in this commit:


... and then later styled up by Jérôme Gravel-Niquet.

Has anyone experimented with this frameworks? I'm curious to know which one is the best in terms of how long will they be supported, adoption, features, and ease of use.

I'm currently experimenting with Backbone.js but I find it a bit hard to adjust to MVC in the browser. Tutorials on the web are also not very helpful and most of them incomplete; but I'm not giving up :)

I've just played with Backbone.js myself, though I have shared your frustration with getting the hang of it, and the quality of available tutorials and examples.

I've learned to mostly get the hang of it after repeated references to the official docs and the todo app. I think part of the difficulty is its lack of rigidity -- Backbone.js leaves quite a bit up to conventions, or the developer.

That's interesting. I recently ported Todos to KnockoutJS[1] and straight jQuery(as a counter-example)[2] for a Knockout presentation I gave yesterday.

[1]: https://github.com/statianzo/KnockoutListTested

[2]: https://github.com/statianzo/JQueryList

Lovely! Is there a site for comparing implementations of "things"/methods in different languages/frameoworks in similar fashion? That would have been really neat to learn new languages - instead of reading books (not the best noob move).

Thanks! :D

It would be really good to get some Selenium tests written up for them as well so that we know they all, and all future ones, behave the same. I might do this if I get a bit of spare time.

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