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Mazery: a map generation visualizer (HTML5 canvas + CoffeeScript) (sjackson.net)
46 points by TrevorBurnham on Sept 11, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

See also http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/under-the-hood for a collection of awesome posts about maze algorithms.

Yeah, he has really good descriptions of the various algorithms, with examples.

ya.. 1 up for these posts... they are too good...

Hey, author of this here. Cool that it showed up! This was actually was my first shot at using CoffeeScript, so if anyone wants to check out the github and throw some pointers out for better CoffeeScript style code, that'd be awesome!

Apparently this is a resource hog and runs pretty slow in Firefox and IE9 at the moment. I'll see what profiling shows up.

I hope to implement some other generation algorithms so people can compare them side-by-side. Suggestions welcome!

Brilliant. How about a nethack style room maze?

It amazes me how a really good presentation can make something relatively simple simultaneously novel and interesting.

I've seen other maze generators, and even written a couple before, but this one stands out just by looking really awesome.

I really love visualized algorithms like this. To less-than-brilliant people like me, it's often the only intuitive way to understand how an algorithm works.

Agreed. Loved that he showed the vertical refresh in the algorithm. The colors were nice, too. Would love to see more about algorithms like this.

Aren't mazes supposed to have entrances and exits?

Very, very nice visualization.

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