I lurk HN on daily basis, and I have started assuming that most of the people here have some kind of side project that makes them money.
If it is true, how are you guys managing it? How do you practice self-discipline? How do you forgive yourself for slacking off? And what happens when you aren't able to perform and feel guilty about it? And finally, how to find balance between relaxing and working?
I have had many side projects. One of them became a full time job in 1999, and which I sold in 2010 and then prompty scratched an itch to start another, which I am still doing. I am not wealthy, I have a mortgage for a much bigger house than I need.
To be honest I feel like I have failed at life and stayed inside instead of enjoying the sun. I look back and feel that there are much better ways to have spent my life...and yet I still do it.
Also, I have an idea that might change the world and that's what I want to work on next.
I seriously enjoy exploring ideas and writing code. If I could I'd do it all day every day.
Work addiction, delusion, or a fundamental problem with my perspective of the Universe - all seem likely to me.
My advice; You know if it's something for you. You feel it. You don't need to ask anyone else's advice or whether your idea is good, or how to manage it. You get on with it, make the sacrifices nessecary and wince through the pain knowing in your heart that it will be worth it, or not as the case may be.
I didn't have a problem with the work. I do wish I knew how to recognise defeat and quit though.
Sorry for the long lecture-rant.