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You are probably in the minority. The two largest groups that together seem to form the vast majority are those who abhor this behaviour and don't do it themselves, and those who know that they shouldn't do this, welcome people being fined for it, know that it is a cause of a lot of unnecessary hardship, enjoy watching this guy's Youtube channel, and yet can't actually resist grabbing their smartphone when it plings despite being in the driver's seat. It's a global dopamine addiction.

I'm not asking "is looking at your phone while stationary in traffic bad".

I'm asking "the whole cycling through traffic with a headcam, actively not looking in front of you while doing so, fishing for people on their phones in order to aggravate them then doxx them ... isn't this a dick move and a safety concern in itself?"

As for the guy with the phone, if I was stationary for a whole minute, and had checked google maps for a traffic report in that time, I'd be pretty pissed off if some vigilante was trying to paint crap out of context to cause trouble for the purpose of ad revenue on youtube. Especially when they were being a public hazard while doing so.

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