which uses she/her. I guess it has changed over time. In either case, male pronouns (or "this guy" in one still-extant comment) are incorrect and seem like the result of stereotyping or opposition to modern gender reality.
Your use of she/her seems like the result of stereotyping trans people.
Everybody loses when we play this game. You can’t expect people to hunt down the preferred pronouns of everyone that writes an article before discussing said article. Your comment is no more substantive than comments correcting spelling or grammar, it’s just noise and doesn’t contribute to the discussion.
> You can’t expect people to hunt down the preferred pronouns of everyone that writes
No, but I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect they'll look at the name at the bottom of the article and use the most likely matching pronouns instead of assuming male because it's tech. If that turns out to be incorrect at least it's an honest mistake, not a stereotype. "You can't expect" is just an excuse for not making any attempt to respect people's wishes in this regard, and IMO counts as transphobia.
which uses she/her. I guess it has changed over time. In either case, male pronouns (or "this guy" in one still-extant comment) are incorrect and seem like the result of stereotyping or opposition to modern gender reality.