> By the way, some of the most valuable people in our societies are borderline horrible arrogant narcissists.
I don't know if there is any data/research on being successful or valuable requiring an arrogant narcissistic personality. I believe it doesn't. If anything, such people became successful despite having such difficult personalities.
The "difficult" in difficult personality is not for themselves, it is for everyone else.
It is not necessity for being successful or valuable, but it is undeniable that people like that exist throughout history.
At the most fundamental level: It is arrogant to believe that from purely biological point of view, an individual would posses qualities like "arrogant" that are of no possible value.
Societies need to believe certain things to function. You cannot have a society where each individual is like Isaac Newton. I'm sure that if you asked the people that were knew him, they would say that "one is more than enough..."
>It is arrogant to believe that from purely biological point of view, an individual would posses qualities (like "arrogant") that are of no possible value
I don't know if there is any data/research on being successful or valuable requiring an arrogant narcissistic personality. I believe it doesn't. If anything, such people became successful despite having such difficult personalities.