For those that don't know and were born after 2K Cowboy Neal is (was?) a moderator(owner?) over at His name usually appears(ed?) with some snarky option on slashdot polls.
Potato potato, as they say. It wouldn't be surprising if there was no link at all between reality and the poll.
Consider as a worse case; there is a political question with a fairly clear reality ("the legislators should legislate the value of exp(1) to be 2.5 to make life easier"). The silent majority ignores the silly poll, and the lunatics who believe this is a good idea all put in a vote because they want to promote their mad cause.
The poll could therefore be biased to be exactly wrong. May as well call it invalid data and save the time thinking about it.
Opinion polls, properly constructed and conducted, measure opinion. They do not measure any truth other than the truth of a specific opinon.
Polling for the value of e is rather like polling for the piloting of a jetliner. You could certainly do it. It would end rather badly in virtually all instances.
The point is the poll wouldn't be picking up the opinion of the crowd. It would be picking up the least representative sample of people; those who have an incentive for the poll to mis-represent popular opinion.
I only picked exp() as an example because it can't start a political argument.