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"unsubstantive"? This technology will be used against people. I just wanted to point it out in the most unflattering way possible. Like graphic warning and danger signs, it makes people stop and think.

And strange to hear from you for a second time in the last week or so.

Of course it's unsubstantive. It's not just an internet cliché, it's nowhere near the top of the internet cliché barrel. If you have something interesting to say, please say it explicitly, without tedious tropes, and without flamebait.

> And strange to hear from you for a second time in the last week or so.

I had no idea I'd replied to you repeatedly, but if so, the simplest explanation is that you've been breaking the site guidelines repeatedly. It would be helpful if you'd review them and stick to them from now on: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.

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