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Hong Kong university removes Tiananmen massacre statue (apnews.com)
19 points by hardmaru on Dec 23, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Related story:


Hong Kong university dismantles and removes Tiananmen statue from campus (https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/hong-kong-univers...)

Deleting history.

I wonder what other campaigns over the generations have taken place to change the public’s view on history? It is getting harder now days in the digital world but China sure thinks it can.

It includes everything we believe. One benefit of being the winner is to decide how the story is told.

We have a movement in the USA of removing statues of slave owners or Southerners in the Civil War. Instead of learning from history to avoid repeating it, we are deleting history like the Chinese are.

Removing statues venerating oppressors is not the same thing as deleting history.

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