I’m triple vaxxxed and got omicron. I’m not saying don’t get vaccinated, but this is coming for everyone. NYC is getting completely slammed right now. My honest hope is that this is the last wave that’s truly a showstopper - omicron so far for me has been about a mild sinus infection.
I was so-called critical infrastructure when the panic started. After a few days of consideration, it became apparent that everyone would be exposed in time. I made peace with myself, my God, my family and kept living. I kept an eye on healthy eating. I did get it in early 2021 and got through it at home. While I am sad for the scared obese carbohydrate and sugar eaters, I am happy to live. And I am happy I could vacation with family this year, without masks, in Florida and Texas.
I wish everyone gets as healthy as they want to be to fight the inevitable virus exposure.
I am a bit superstitious (even if not religious) about declaring that bad things can't happen to me. The culture I grew up in is pervaded with cautionary ideas like "pride goeth before a fall", "don't tempt fate", and "don't put God to the test".
Separately, declaring one's superiority can be interpreted as rude, or as compensation for lack of confidence.
I am curious about the traditions and norms you are used to. I haven't spent very much time in Florida or Texas, and the parts of Florida I've seen most of are the parts that are more like New York than the deep South.
Something I do associate with Florida is the occasional person with large, confrontational signs with way too much lettering on them. I saw someone who had put text describing a business dispute he had all over his truck.
I really wasn't sure if that was a crazy person or just how some people do things there.
While passing through Texas years ago, I remember it as my introduction to temperatures so high that the relatively cool air trapped by long shirt and pants was a blessing that kept me from being cooked momentarily. It made me think of the saying "If I owned Hell and Texas, I'd live in Hell and rent out Texas."
Vaccines for covid are only for lessening the severity. Prevention is widely known not effective for covid vaccines. This is why almost all health professional stop using the phrase "herd immunity". At this stage it is better for everyone to just move on. There will always be people who differ opinions. If they opt to have higher risk of dying from covid and we ourselves have already been jabbed, I think no point to be fixated on it forcing people to do so. There are more people dying from lung cancer, hypertensions, heart attack, diabetes, etc. None bother to address cigs, sugary drinks, overeating as zealously as covid vaccinations. BTW, expect jabbing to be done annually. Your triple jabs are just the "beginning" of the norm.
This is incorrect. The vaccine also provides protection from contracting the disease. This has been known to be true for at least the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines since this Spring, when the first big population studies came in. The efficacy varies based on the variant and the length of time since last vaccine/booster.
And the reason people have stopped talking so much about herd immunity is because Covid is becoming endemic. However, in such a situation, vaccines are just as important, even if herd immunity can’t be achieved anymore. That’s for protection of the individual, the immunocompromised in the community, the population as a whole, and to keep the healthcare system functioning.
Yeah I mean the flu we experience yearly is “descended” from the Spanish Flu but we don’t require flu passports to get a coffee. Eventually (I hope) the madness will subside. Forcing people to get vaccines will only result in contrarian noncompliance due to the peculiarities of the American psyche. We are much better off in the long run investing in universal health care and increasing access but that’s a non-starter in our political climate
I am prepared to submit to authority, even on life and death matters, as long as there is a self-consistent message that I can in principle believe.
I'm struggling with the internal contradictions of saying we have a life and death situation where every non-essential office worker must wear a mask at their desk but we can't go back to full time telecommuting.
If our dear leader feels there are essential workers needed, I am willing to serve and wear a mask. If she feels that we need to be in the office, and the risk is not that great, I'm willing to do that. If she feels that the risk is high and rising and we should be telecommuting, then I'm ok with that.
But don't tell us that we're non-essential and we have to be in the office and we have to wear masks when alone at our desks.
> Forcing people to get vaccines will only result in contrarian noncompliance due to the peculiarities of the American psyche
In my country most non compliance is due to lack of confidence in authorities and passive aggresive behaviour. People would rather believe all sorts of mumbo jumbo than get vaccinated.
Anyway, I feel like vaccine mandates and the green pass only further divides society and after we get rid of the pandemic we'll be stuck with a fascism epidemic.
I'm triple vaccinated and somehow managed to avoid getting infected so far.
I feel Omicron will be the great equalizer, vaccinated unvaccinated natural immune will all get, the few exceptions are those either in their bunkers or lucky enough to have been under the booster’s Goldilocks immunity window when Omicron wave hits their shores. M
Glad you’re doing ok. I’m double vaxxed and got Delta (likely, I don’t know for sure of course) and it was BAD. I didn’t die but I thought I might at one point.
I’m any event, we all have to get it at some point.