And for a second I thought my old computers were growing some sort of mold... It never really occurred to me that it could just be plastic discoloration.
Interesting self reflection, in this case I happen to have blamed myself...I wonder what that makes me
This is why I didn't buy a white MacBook. I have a feeling the palmrest discoloration problem that the white MacBooks experienced a little while ago will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Jeeez I spent a whole 5 minutes scan reading the article for the answer. Why can't people start long articles with the conclusions first? Would save everyone a lot of time.
its not the thinking that sucks, it's the time it takes reading these huge articles on HN when a brief conclusion would help ease those like me passing by for a quick scan of the front page on HN before stories get buried.
However, a thought: the NOA rep said that they still used the same plastics for their newer products, just that the discoloration wasn't as noticeable due to their darker pigmentation. So what of the Wii, clad in (as of now) pure white?