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Ah, but in Go there is the concept of good shape - you can play along similar strategic lines with both good and bad shape, but if you play your stones clumsily (write your code in PHP?), you will be vulnerable to many forcing plays and clever tesuji that may transform the position into an unwinnable one. It could happen during the middle game - bad shape may allow a group to be cut in half or have its eye shape pounded out of it - or in the yose, where you may need to make a very large number of moves to defend very few points (long development cycles to add features to a poorly written product?).

Therefore the analogy of Go justifies spending time making good shape with your code as you go along.

See (4) about unconscious incompetence.

Don't take the fun out of this! But that was a nice write up about Go and I enjoyed the analogy


I'm glad you said something about shape. It's something I'm stumbling through right now.

You might find "Making Good Shape" helpful, as it is one of the few shape focused go books available in english:


The problems are very challenging, but that shouldn't stop you from thinking about them and then enjoying the enlightenment of the answers after a minute. Very helpful material! Best of luck in your pursuit of a better game

Funny you should mention that. Right after you talked about shapes, I browsed through Sensei's Library and saw that too. Thanks for the recommendation.

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