I mean you could opt to stay super safe in a bunker and automatically die after 70 years or so, or go play along with the zombie wearing a helmet. There is a risk to living life to the fullest. Not everyone is you.
During the peak of the pandemic I was still going to my office at Oxford University. However, this other institution I'm potentially joining has much more relaxed safety measures.
I think having a low-density office is a must even if there is no pandemics. I want to be productive, and I don't want to be surrounded by tens of coughing people during the flu season. It's just commonsense.
Um, one is pretty safe outdoors so far. I'm living a pretty good life modulo I miss watching movies on the big screen, mostly addressed by procuring a cheap 70" flatscreen. What's not so safe is congregating in poorly ventilated spaces. Why are you so hellbent on suggesting life is incomplete without doing so?