It is subjective but 3D max interface is much more intuitive. Like when navigating the 3D view ports. UE4 also has a nice interface that is similar to blender but feels better.
What does intuitive in the context of a complex app like blender or 3d max even mean? You need to seriously learn the interface for either one before you can do anything. To me this is sort of like saying the interface of a boeing is more intuitive than the interface of an airbus, really quite meaningless for anyone.
I think it's a wasteful debate nowadays. Blender used to be too peculiar if not crippled but they reduced the gap a lot. It's bearable now.. and, they could probably get close to most 3D apps UX (i'm speculating but i'd bet a few dollars).
I've used many many different 3D programs from 3DS max, milkshape, XSI, Maya, Unreal 2, Unreal 3/UDK, Unreal 4, Hammer, Source, Three.js web editor, Zbrush, Houdini, etc and none of them have made me as frustrated as using blender. So I don't know?
Hello again. Can you name ONE way 3D Studio Max's user interface has tangibly improved since Monica Lewinsky brought Bill Clinton a pizza and blew him in the White House? Not ONE?
If you can't, then I rest my case: Max has an ANCIENT outdated user interface, and it's been stagnating for decades. So what if you're used to it? I'm used to Windows 95 and Microsoft Visual Studio 6 too, but that doesn't mean they have good user interfaces.
>"Jim, let me tell you something: there's gonna to be a WHOLE BUNCH of things we don't tell Mrs. Clinton. Fast food is the least of our worries, ok buddy?"
It depends what you're using it for. I like Sketchup and Hammer; Blender doesn't remotely resemble those. But then, Blender can do things that those most certainly can't; they're for different jobs.