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I'm not talking about everyone who voted for Trump. His is not the only or even the most important species of insanity that's been allowed to spread like a virus. Yes, people have all sorts of reasons for voting in populist demagogues without needing to specifically buy their insanity wholesale. Trump's madness is a symptom and a vector, a stop on the road between Alex Jones shouting on a corner and Adolf Hitler in a bunker. The door just keeps opening wider, though.

Enough with the absurd hyperbole already. Trump's presidency was neither an Alex Jones conspiracy nutfest or an Adolf Hitler madhouse of dictatorship. It was mostly mediocre but hardly worse than many previous presidency. Possibly better than some even. I'm no fan of that guy in so many ways, but he lived up to very few of the insane worst expectations that were created when he just entered the office. The world certainly didn't go to hell because of it. If anyone promoted idiotic unfounded conspiracies during his presidencies, it was the media endlessly harping about Russian collusion in his victory, but never being quite able to provide solid evidence of a single aspect of that particular conspiracy theory. Or the obsessive fixation on the new boogeyman of "misinformation", which suddenly has become a global problem according to many media sources and politicans because, oh god forbid, a candidate that they didn't give their formal benediction to happened to win a major election.

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