Which is why this story is considered news. People are trying to reassess the risk factor of doing whatever the hell they want. The info has been sparse so far, so we want whatever we can get.
Personally I don't mind sitting inside again for 2-3 weeks while this all gets figured out, but I know I'm in the vast minority by this point.
Right, but anyone who takes a position yet should be dismissed without prejudice. The default, null hypothesis is that Omicron is exactly as virulent and deadly as the current baseline, Delta. Anything else is bullshit for now and anyone who claims to have data contra that null hypothesis is lying
The problem I see there, and it's the exact reason governments/media/the stock market are all bracing, is that if it's not the way you describe and we keep doing what we're doing (which with Delta has now become next to nothing) it could end up killing 10s of thousands of people. It's important to at least consider that we have a new mutation that needs to be treated differently than the old ones. Be careful out there folks. Wash your hands, wear a mask.
Yes, we research it, we warn those who are at high risk to be extra cautious but we don’t spread FUD that everyone is going to get reinfected, that the vaccines are useless. You must be able to tell the difference between a cautious but reasonable approach and panic.