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Very few people have been talking about it responsibly throughout the course. It’s become a weird morality issue and anyone taking about it from that position is adding to the problem regardless of moral stance, and the morality isn’t even being done correctly focusing on the actual issues.

I guess it’s just a symptom of the attention economy and the bad state of education and ability for independent thought everywhere.

Disease has always been viewed through a moral lens. Plague was from sin, aids was from sin. We have always judged the sick through a moral lens and only through hindsight do we see how terrible that was. And then we repeat the same mistake.

I am confident that the people giving out so called “Herman Cain Awards” for COVID will be judged as harshly as we judge those who called HIV the gay plague.

It’s possible. My understanding though is that “Hermain Cain Awards” go out to folks who fall into several categories.

They deny the virus exists/ is dangerous.

They don’t take precautions, like masks or get vaccinated.

The advocate against folks who get vaccinated calling them “sheep” or other names.

On one hand, many of these folks have fallen victim to disinformation and one political party in America that’s trying to actively hurt them for some sort of gain. So yea maybe it’s not their fault. On the other hand, my friend got accosted trying to get his kiddo vaxxed by one of these folks. Not cool.

> I am confident that the people giving out so called “Herman Cain Awards” for COVID will be judged as harshly as we judge those who called HIV the gay plague.

I’m not so sure. If there were a safe, free and widely available vaccine for HIV and gay men were going out of their way to shout about not taking it then I think the situation may have been comparable.

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