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I think the advice to avoid an MSCS should be taken with a grain of salt, particularly if you have an undergrad degree in CS and/or already know the material on this page.

While it is true that programs are cash cows and there is both potential debt and opportunity cost, you can learn a lot if you pick the right courses, such as well-taught graduate systems courses with a serious project component.

I have often wished that software I've seen, both commercial and open source, had been written by people who had a better understanding of computer systems, especially operating systems, databases, distributed systems, etc..

Agreed. Just finished earning my masters in C.S. from Georgia Tech and well worth it. Classes were intellectually stimulating, particularly compilers, distributed systems, and algorithms.

Operating Systems and Algorithms at GT are top-notch. Some of the best in the world. That's one reason they are consistently ranked in the top 10 CS programs in the world.

The cash cow thing depends on region. Up here my MSc was effectively free.

Yeah, I'm doing UT Austin, and they charge $1k a course, for a total of 10 courses - to me that is pretty cheap.

It's all through EdX, so still a cash cow for them, but reasonable for the student.

Not sure you understood already, but I think the GP means actually at no cost.

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