> They have plenty of inefficiency built in due to legacy baggages like less productive older workers or unions.
"Less productive older workers" deserve jobs, too. And unions are no "legacy baggage", but vital tools to ensure decent workplace conditions and wages (see e.g. Amazon and pee bottles).
> In America you can still find mom and pop shops even though 90+% decimated by the big boxes like Walmart or Amazon.
Ask people in rural areas what they miss most and the answer will almost universally be shopping opportunities, as it is extremely hard to compete against Walmart and shopping malls.
> NY Yellow bacs still surviving and to large extend has improved significantly their customer services after Uber and Lyft established themselves.
"Less productive older workers" deserve jobs, too. And unions are no "legacy baggage", but vital tools to ensure decent workplace conditions and wages (see e.g. Amazon and pee bottles).
> In America you can still find mom and pop shops even though 90+% decimated by the big boxes like Walmart or Amazon.
Ask people in rural areas what they miss most and the answer will almost universally be shopping opportunities, as it is extremely hard to compete against Walmart and shopping malls.
> NY Yellow bacs still surviving and to large extend has improved significantly their customer services after Uber and Lyft established themselves.
At the cost of taxi drivers who went as far as committing suicide as the price of their medallions fell through the floor (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/02/nyregion/taxi-drivers-sui...).
Price dumping always has follow-up costs that are externalized to society at large.