That just sounds like a broken implementation of readline or some such. When I ssh, everything works fine.
Anyway, the distinction is only important in very narrow cases. I've heard people say "Open a new terminal", "Open a new command window", "Open a new shell", and "Open a new console". They mean the same thing in this context. The contexts where they don't and where that fact needs to be spelled out don't come up very often. This unwarranted attention to detail is analogous to changing a flat tire with a friend by saying: "Hey, grab the spare wheel out of the trunk" vs. "Hey, grab the spare tire out of the trunk". This whole thread is like seeing that there are technical differences between a wheel and a tire in the context of a repair shop, but in the context of "get me the circular thing from the trunk that I can attach to my damn car to make it go again" they're the same, and then complaining when people use the second context and don't keep the terms distinct.
It's not a broken implementation of readline, it's either a failure to use readline or improperly set terminfo. TTYs in canonical mode will support backspacing, but not moving around inside text. "Ctrl-Left go back a word on my laptop, but when I ssh into my server, it just prints some weird characters?" reaks of straight up canonical mode.
And say you had this problem, guess what is not going to work? "I have a problem with my command window", "I have a problem with my console", "I have a problem with my TTY".
Anyway, the distinction is only important in very narrow cases. I've heard people say "Open a new terminal", "Open a new command window", "Open a new shell", and "Open a new console". They mean the same thing in this context. The contexts where they don't and where that fact needs to be spelled out don't come up very often. This unwarranted attention to detail is analogous to changing a flat tire with a friend by saying: "Hey, grab the spare wheel out of the trunk" vs. "Hey, grab the spare tire out of the trunk". This whole thread is like seeing that there are technical differences between a wheel and a tire in the context of a repair shop, but in the context of "get me the circular thing from the trunk that I can attach to my damn car to make it go again" they're the same, and then complaining when people use the second context and don't keep the terms distinct.