Transputers are still a thing from ST Micro, I think, though targeting the embedded market now. I got to use a Meiko 'Surface' transputer supercomputer back in the day. Interesting toy.
The i486+i860 combo I played with ended up being not particularly interesting. By the time it showed up, Pentium was eminent so the i486 was old news and the i860 was a huge pain in the ass to get anything like promised performance out of.
Yeah...the Meiko was pretty nifty, and Occam was an interesting language.
Like I said, ST Micro picked up the Transputer line via acquisition. They morphed it into more of an embedded product, and targeted things like set-top boxed. Pretty sure it was the ST20 line. Unfortunately, a very quick look at the web site makes it look like ST did what everyone else in the embedded world seems to be devolving to: everything is an ARM. So...there are probably descendants of Transputer still chugging along out there, but doesn't look like it has a future.