I do the same whenever I read an article or blog I really enjoy. I often get responses indicating that it's appreciated.
There's one excellent blog I used to follow when it was active a few years ago. It has a few posts I keep sending people links to. I realised a few months ago that I had missed the last post. Turns out it was very relevant to my current job and that the author and I now work in the same niche (graphics performance for Nintendo Switch).
So I sent him a mail thanking him for the blog and saying how much I appreciate it. He replied and we had a nice back and forth.
There's one excellent blog I used to follow when it was active a few years ago. It has a few posts I keep sending people links to. I realised a few months ago that I had missed the last post. Turns out it was very relevant to my current job and that the author and I now work in the same niche (graphics performance for Nintendo Switch).
So I sent him a mail thanking him for the blog and saying how much I appreciate it. He replied and we had a nice back and forth.