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We wanted to make Metaplane free for individuals and approachable for teams, and found that $400/mo is justified by the cost of engineering time saved and is comparable to other paid tools that a smaller data team might use (like dbt, Fivetran, Hightouch).

That said, we’re still experimenting with pricing though, and I can see the argument for a tier that’s more suited for individual paid plans. We also want the free plan to be pretty generous — is there a specific constraint that feels too limiting? Thanks for your feedback!

One note about the pricing page itself - I found the "black vs grey" links for the two tiers of "Growth" pretty confusing.

I incorrectly assumed that once I enter the Growth plan $400/mo, I get access to dbt/lineage. But those are only "checked" when you pay $800/mo version of the Growth plan.

So it really feels like you have 4 plans: Free, Growth, Business?, and Enterprise.

Thanks for the feedback on pricing — it's definitely a work in progress (and we'll make the visual distinction clearer on our website). Our goal is to be as accessible as possible, so we're flexible with the plans right now. Pricing shouldn't be the reason that a team misses out on data issues.

When you sign up, you'll have access to everything immediately, so you can connect and try it out and when we start enforcing the limits, we'll give you ample notice.

I'm curious if you have opinions on the plans and pricing. Do the plans make sense as 1. individual 2. team for warehouse 3. team for whole stack 4. enterprise?

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