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>That’s why people see it as a crisis: a lot of people in west coast cities feel increasingly unsafe.

It's certainly not just west coast cities where this is happening.

>So thousands of people might get a subconscious feeling of being unsafe, just from a small number of people who might not even be acting in unsafe ways.

In large part, it is a small number of people who make the masses feel unsafe. The issue recently has been the unwillingness or inability of authorities on every level of government to deal effectively with the small number of people causing the problems. Here in New York a series of actions have worked to make these problems far worse. Among other things, "bail reform" was passed, which eliminates holds on all but the most violent of criminals. This means that instead of removing the relatively small number of people on the street engaging in violent, anti-social and predatory behavior, they are able to roam free and remain a menace. You can't have a functional society if violent and/or mentally ill people are free to roam the streets and assault random passersby. You can't have a safe society when people caught possessing and using illegal firearms are simply released back onto the street. You can't have a decent society when street gangs are battling on the corners to control the open-air drug markets that have sprung up all over the city. And instead of dealing with, or even acknowledging these problems, officials in Albany and city hall spew rhetoric about mass incarceration and white supremacy.

The most basic and important job for any government is so maintain a basic, minimum level of public safety. Without that, nothing else they do much matters.

> The most basic and important job for any government is so maintain a basic, minimum level of public safety. Without that, nothing else they do much matters.

Look, I agree that this is a problem - but I think it is laughable to suggest our current government doesn't provide this basic, minimum level.

Hop on a subway and take a ride through the Bronx and let me know how you feel then.

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