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So you'll allow a title that ask a question.. and then someone answers it and you have an issue with their answer? How do you pretend to claim to know that there isn't a homeless criss?

Of course they didn't answer the question—that would require relevant information. A substanceless oneliner (and in the form of an internet trope, even) is not that.

Surely it isn't hard to understand that "Yes. Yes there is." is an unsubstantive comment. This is not a borderline call.

You realize there's a whole article attached to the title, right? Is there an article associated to the unsubstansive response that I missed?

dang does not "pretend to claim to know that there isn't a homeless criss". Don't put words in his mouth; that is very much not cool.

What dang does know is that, by HN standards, chrsig's answer was pretty useless. He's asking chrsig to do better, not to have a different answer.

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