We're all talking about the Metaverse instead of whatever else is going on with Facebook. So it changed the public narrative. However, the latest earnings report was fine, so rumors of Meta's demise are quite exaggerated. Their other web properties will remain profitable for a long time.
I see many others here calling out FB's pending decline, but I don't see anyone offering a clear thesis for how it happens. It could simply be wishful thinking. Locking down iOS doesn't mean Meta can't do targeted advertising with all previously collected data. Less effective, sure, but not meaningfully so.
IMO Facebook's actual death is mostly visible in RL.
The only people in my circle left on Facebook were the party seeking folks. Now with Corona the organisation of parties changed enough to render facebook irrelevant. Now left are mid 30 single moms who likely spend more time on Instagram anyway.
Then there is WhatsApp. I can tell it had bad news again when I get a sudden rush of 'x is now using telegram'. I can't remember the last time someone asked me for a WhatsApp number.
Instagram is similar, once a daily driver for some it now looks and appears like a ad platform where most content wandered elsewhere (tiktok for that matter)
Sure this is anectotal, but in my environment Facebook actually is visible dying.
Not financial death. Oracle is having the best years and making a ton of profit, but it is boring company with mediocre work and toxic reputations. Oracle cloud is still being sold and no cares. FB doesn't want to become the next Oracle
It is about its relevance as a cool tech company. They will not be able to hire or retain the best engineers with current reputation problem they have.
I see many others here calling out FB's pending decline, but I don't see anyone offering a clear thesis for how it happens. It could simply be wishful thinking. Locking down iOS doesn't mean Meta can't do targeted advertising with all previously collected data. Less effective, sure, but not meaningfully so.