Allow me to pitch a little idea of mine:
A dysfunctional spacestation/spaceship, with three factions fighting for control ala system shock, but the gameplay mechanics of minecraft & a shooter.
For the alien hive carbon sludge is food, for the humans its reactor coolant. For the cy-borg network cabling is healing material, for the humans its the technology that keeps the air-ventilation alive a little longer. All parties dismantle - rebuild the wreck to further their goals and collide, while the catastrophes they inflict on one another create large scale drama..
For the alien hive carbon sludge is food, for the humans its reactor coolant. For the cy-borg network cabling is healing material, for the humans its the technology that keeps the air-ventilation alive a little longer. All parties dismantle - rebuild the wreck to further their goals and collide, while the catastrophes they inflict on one another create large scale drama..