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Couldn't find on the site, does Motor Admin only support PostgreSQL? What about a GraphQL API server endpoint?

It supports PostgreSQL and MySql.

GraphQL API is not supported yet.

Motor Admin generates json-rest API under the hood on top of the database - I might be wrong but I don't know any good use case where Graphql API server as a proxy between the data and the admin UI could be useful.

> I don't know any good use case where Graphql API server as a proxy between the data and the admin UI

If you want a view that consists of multiple entities. Example: a view that displays a customer with his last 5 orders and current inventory count for the items in those orders. That's probably 3 entities (customer, orders, inventory). Sure, you can do this with REST but typically it will require calls to 3 different endpoints to gather that data. A graphQL server can serve the same data with 1 endpoint using a custom graphQL query. I'm not saying one is better than the other; just trying to give you an example.

Personally, I think that Graphql is overcomplicated and Facebook marketing efforts did a pretty good job for its adoption by developers and companies.

The example you mentioned can be easily implemented in Motor Admin via SQL queries or admin UI configurations with direct connection to the database and the performance would be probably better than it could have been with Graphsql.

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