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Show HN: nyan-mode.el - Nyan Cat for Emacs (my first real Emacs minor mode) (buildsomethingamazing.com)
71 points by TeMPOraL on Aug 20, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

If instead of a constant rainbow, you use a gradient that changes colors from left-to-right, that would have been a better visual indicator.

Probably. It would also be good if there was a visual indicator of how much text is visible in the buffer relative to buffer size (like sml-modeline does). However, this mode is Nyan Cat first, visual help second. :).

Well done, well done :) My Emacs is now containing significantly more Nyan Cat than before, this pleases me

You magnificent, magnificent bastard.

Awesome. I was using sml-modeline before, but it was not nearly cute enough.

I'm all for Nyan Cat becoming the new Hello World.

congratulations Temporal this looks great! :)

Thank you :). I'm happy you like it :).

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