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It's both.

IP in general is easy. IP in specific is anywhere between devilishly hard and trivial, and by its very nature it's monopolistic. You can't "just create your own" if the territory you want to build on is already occupied. By treating all IP as though it's close to impossible, and that we must societally worship the creators and their progeny, we create monumental inefficiencies.

> we must societally worship the creators and their progeny,

It's really hard to have a useful conversation when nonsense like this creeps in. There's no society that behaves as a group. Talk mechanisms, not anthropomorphised outcomes.

Fine: the mechanism is a copyright length of life+70, as a heritable asset. Law is a moral code that's enforced so that as a society we must do, or not do, certain things, so yes, the intent is absolutely that society behaves as a group in certain specific ways.

I'm sorry you think that's nonsense.

Again, what's the point in your last statement? You explain your nebulous statement and then sign off as though I'd said your explanation was nonsense.

It sounds as though even a superficial thinking through of mechanisms has stopped you talking about how we worship IP creators, which is great. It's just a mechanism to allow investment in invention to reap rewards before others can compete. You might think that's a bad idea; what's your better idea?

> It's just a mechanism to allow investment in invention to reap rewards before others can compete.

Except it's a lie that the real innovators are those in the private sector, and that they need to recoup their investment through the intellectual property regime. Nearly all discoveries are made through public sector funding. [1] Your worshipping of supposed individual inventors is part of the great man theory adopted by Silicon Valley [2] and which is spouted by Global North and American bourgeois media/stories/movies.

Research and development is a team sport. The lone genius myth will die.

[1] Mariana Mazzucato, https://web.archive.org/web/20160204223931/https://nybooks.c...

[2] https://www.technologyreview.com/2015/08/04/166593/techs-end...

I'm not worshipping anything here. Why are you unable to stop talking in this silly way? And when did I mention lone inventors?

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