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I'm not advocating for a crazy job hopping lifestyle. But without job hopping salaries don't even increase wrt inflation. I worked for 6+yrs on a low salary because I didn't realize early enough that I have to switch to get good hikes

My salary has increased now in much more magnitude than my old org. Also my friends who hopped 1 more time than me have significantly more salary than me. All in the same city so they have no issues getting loans or building assets.

> There are not enough rockstar projects, to need rockstar developers.

Is this true even for Product companies and captives?

> People pay just 30% because they don't want to deal with any of this.

Then they shouldn't cry rivers of blood when people who've stayed half a decade at their first company takes their offer to get 5 other counter offers and doesn't join in their company for a meagre 30% hike.

>>Is this true even for Product companies and captives?

Yes, even more true in Product than Services companies. And for a very simple reason. Shelf life of most projects is small, and it resembles to be quite honest 'throw away work'.

>>Then they shouldn't cry rivers of blood when people who've stayed half a decade at their first company takes their offer to get 5 other counter offers and doesn't join in their company for a meagre 30% hike.

They don't. In fact they are happy you left, if they had to fire you they would have to pay severance. Now not only are you gone, you can be easily replaced with a fresher.

It's a brutal market. Plan for your retirement before you are forced to retire.

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