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That would give you the rare meat. No one claims they were vegetarians.

But, if they killed and eate 0.5 young males per cow per year, that would make the meat available once per year per cow. They could dry it or make sausage or whatever, but that does not make it a lot.

Good thing, there is this other animal that basically eats garbage and shits fertilizer. The byproduct of this is a surpus of pork a few times a year.

The claim people take offense for is specifically about beef - not about pork.

But really, at least based on what my grandmother said, meat was luxury item once a week thing. Cooked in away that uses it to the max. They were relatively well off small farm family, they were not poor. The traditional food I read about when I read about historical lifestyles was also largely non-meat. (Not to be confused with vegetarian, like bacon etc was part of it)

The eat meat everyday thing we have going on was not a thing in the past. It requires huge amount of animals being raised and killed, meat to be stored in freezers and so on.

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