.NET has been on Linux for years now. And my company is using it in production on Kubernetes (Linux/Debian). Its crazy how dependable and fast it is. Startup times are amazing and its only getting better each year. We're looking to upgrade to .NET 6 in production by January.
Have you even seen the benchmarks compared to Java and other languages?
I can also confirm that I’ve been using .NET on non Windows OSes for years and it works really well. However the Benchmarks are rigged. The code they wrote for that one benchmark for in the top is a complete cheat. Check out the source and compare it with the other ones from the top 10. .NET is fast but Java is truthfully still faster.
Have you even seen the benchmarks compared to Java and other languages?
If you're not paying attention to .NET its time to get your head out of the sand, seriously.