The one extension I use the most is the remote access via ssh, and that's not available on vscodium last time I checked. Only reason I'm still on VSCode.
You can download the extension as a file from the vscode marketplace and install it in Codium. The remote containers extension requires the latest Codium but it work now.
I don't find it to be a workaround. The remote development stuff loads a bunch of projects and processes onto the remote host. I have some pretty small VMs that I run some older production servers in. Which is my principal use case for remote development.
Connecting to them this way brings them to their knees. That and seeing a host of new high memory processes doesn't give me warm fuzzies about the security risks on important remote systems.
While it can run the same extensions, some have to be requested to be added to the code-oss repository, as there are some things that I noticed aren't there, and the path recommended to those in this situation is to ask for them to be added on an as-desired basis.
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