I put some used PV panels on my shed's roof and wired them up to the bottom element of my electric water heater. This cut my household electric use in half. Not connected to the grid so no expensive permits needed.
Yeah I wish there was more of this happening. BTW what happens when your water is fully hot and the sun is shining - does that panel detect there is no load so doesn't generate?
There is no thermostat for the PV panels. The summer power output of the panels comes into equilibrium with the heat loss of the tank at 80-85C. I did add a 93C thermal fuse to augment the safety of the PTV value.
I have a mixing valve on the output of the water heater to mix with cold down to about 50C. This lets you get around 2x the nameplate capacity of hot water out of the tank so there is enough to bridge a cloudy day.
To get the full capacity of the panels, it necessary to choose a water heater element that matches the source impedance(Vmpp/Immp) of the solar panel array.
> Instead of using 4,500 watts for 45 minutes (.75 hours), a hybrid hot water heat pump uses 350 watts for 3 hours.
I saw video of a guy installing one in his off grid house. He was mostly stoked with it because it only drew about 300W. But had a problem because it would do a check of the heating elements on startup which would crowbar his inverter. He fixed that by installing lower wattage elements.
In north america both terminals of the heating element are galvanically isolated from the tank, so this is not an issue if the wiring is installed with due care.
In countries like brazil and germany that allow "bare wire" heating elements you might have trouble with the tank lining plating onto the element or visa versa.
The materials cost was about $1400, half of that is the panels the rest is wire, conduit, brackets, etc. A solar permit in my area costs $1200+ . The high permit costs would make a system this small uneconomic. Local codes vary but in my jurisdiction I could avoid need for permit by putting the panels on my shed instead of my house and using the power for the water heater instead of connecting to the grid.
The payback is 3-6 years depending on what ratio of peak/off-peak power pricing you assume.