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They do need permission.

"If you are a current or former Work Permit holder who wishes to marry a Singapore citizen or PR, you must apply for approval from MOM."


Man, that acronym is just...absurdly perfect.

I don't want to click the link, because I fear it might not be the "Ministry of Marriage".

It's the Ministry of *Manpower*.

Is there an idea on how often these are approved or denied?

Nearly every jurisdiction on earth has rules about who can marry whom. Especially when it comes to immigration. My best friend's fiance had to return to her home country from their shared second for 8 months while she applied for another visa to allow them to legally change her status when she married.

I feel like it's really strange that HN commenters hate on Singapore for having standards for immigrants. To the point of lying and saying that Work Permit holders aren't allowed to marry citizens in order to drum up outrage, and only backtracking when called out on it.

It's not a lie. They're not allowed, and it's not just about marriage. They're also prohibited from getting pregnant and are routinely tested.


Work permit conditions:

>Not marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident in or outside Singapore without MOM's approval. This applies even after their Work Permits have expired, been cancelled or revoked.

>Not get pregnant or deliver a child in Singapore during the validity of their Work Permit unless they are already married to a Singapore citizen or permanent resident with MOM's approval. This applies even after their Work Permits have expired, been cancelled or revoked.


>As an employer, you must send your female Work Permit holders for medical screening every 6 months. This medical examination screens for pregnancy and infectious diseases such as syphilis, HIV and tuberculosis.

Note how they prohibit marriage outside Singapore even after the permit expires. It's clear what it means. If you've ever had a work permit, you're marked as unfit until proven otherwise.

"Nearly every jurisdiction on earth"

- citation please. Or did you not learn to provide references at NUS?

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