I've been programming since I was about 10, starting with BASIC, then ActionScript 2 and 3, then PHP, mySQL, Objective C, then Javascript, Swift, back to Javascript to learn React, Node, Next.js etc etc. and using these I've made websites and apps with millions of downloads, had books published.
BUT, I'm entirely self taught, and I feel like I'm likely missing a bunch of things that 'properly' trained programmers know. But you don't know what you don't know, right? I would definitely fail any kind of code test with sorting algorithm type questions for example.
Has anyone also been along this path and realised these important things they don't know? If so, what are they?
Things I've had to learn:
I am not expert at any of these. I've learned enough to get by.And that's kind of my philosophy. It's like just-in-time learning. I learn what I need to be able to do what I need to do. I haven't bothered to grind leetcode or anything. I let the job tell me what I need, and I learn that. (I do also kind of keep an eye on what else is going on, so that every five years or so, I try to learn the one thing that's going to matter most for my employability in the future.)