I also find this unreadable but for a different reason. I'm on mobile and it's rendering unreadably small. On the one hand maybe I should put more time into my setup. On the other hand maybe we, the target audience of this sort of content should comment when the format is unusable. If your power users find mailing list popups annoying to the point they go elsewhere don't you want to know? Isn't a comment on hacker news a great way for someone to learn what their readers like or don't like?
> Please don't complain about website formatting, back-button breakage, and similar annoyances. They're too common to be interesting. Exception: when the author is present. Then friendly feedback might be helpful.
If the author isn't actually present (which, as far as I can tell, they are not) it just clutters up the comments. There's no actual discussion happening here, just a lot of "wow i sure don't like this thing [website] does" and that doesn't provide very much value at all.