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Cannabis as a treatment for Alzheimer's would be rather ironic, given its current reputation.

Actually the cool thing about it is that not only does it prevent neuroinflammation, but it also promotes neurogenesis. There was a recent study that tracked IQs before and after using cannabis, and what they found was that those who took up smoking cannabis actually gained almost six IQ points. (For less than 3.5 grams per week.)


Huh— it's more than I would have guessed, but thinking about it, I buy it. Anecdotally, an eighth a week is about the point where you can see it starts to slow people down.

I can't help but feel like it's got as much to do with the fact of smoking every day as with the raw amount... I guess there aren't that many people out there who'll smoke an eighth in a day and then take a week off, though, so maybe it'd be hard to pin down.

As there is a rather large cohort of regular and past cannabis smokers entering into prime Alzheimer years we are going to see if this is true within the decade and do not even need to fund a study. If the Alzheimer rate starts to drop then this is worth further research, but if not I will begin to suspect some people are blowing some rather fragrant smoke on this issue...

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