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Correct. You are free to read all the studies. YouTube isn’t a place to learn about vaccines.

Can you imagine if the previous generation had this opinion?

"Television isn't the place to learn about the flaws in astrology, or about astronomy, the big bang, conflicting visions of human progress, galileo, and the like... we are totally fine in banning Cosmos and keeping children from learning any alternative to jesus christ our lord and savior"

I can. The previous generation is largely racist, sexist, homophobic, and bent on going back to the good old days when violence anyone who wasn’t a fist het white man was ok. They aren’t heroes for being born before YouTube.

Would you please point me to the Clinical Trial Studies for coronavirus vaccines?


Here is an example. Just search the web for “[name of vaccine] phase 3 pdf”

That’s not the complete study.

How do you mean?

Doesn’t cover through Phase 4.

I think you are attempting to move goal posts here.

This is specifically the phase 3 results. I won’t be your search engine: go look for whatever results you want yourself. You can also find the FDA and CDC committee opinions with all the supporting documents and rationale for the granted authorizations which will have even more information on exact what criteria was used to approve the COVID vaccine usage. You can then find similar info from both agencies on other vaccines. If you spot a mistake that does jeopardize the integrity of the studies or the decisions please let me know and I’ll help you contact these agencies and the media. Outside of that, please keep the goalposts where they are.

I’m not moving the goalposts. I asked for “The Clinical Trial Studies”, the link is to the “Incomplete Clinical Trial Studies”. I’m not taking issue with you about that, you did a polite thing to further a discussion.

My entire point (go up the comment tree a bit) is the studies are incomplete and therefore inconclusive at this point in time. And you haven’t displayed this attitude, but is a common attitude that they are golden at this point in time.

But no drug is approved with phase 4 studies because phase 4 cannot happen until the drug is approved. You need phases 1-3. What do you make of the fact that everyone involved, manufactures, the CDC, the FDA, and independent experts, all say that not a single step was skipped in developing and studying the COVID vaccines?

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