I am not saying this is relvant to anything, but it is just interesting.
In any event good luck to Envolve. I am sure they will do much better than gooey, mostly because they do not require users to download or install anything.
Even earlier than Gooey was Ubique's Virtual Places.
The no-plug-in, all HTML and JS qualities of the current breed of tools – plus many more users familiar with the basic idea (from Facebook and elsewhere) – make it a much better idea now.
I hope this one makes it to its full potential. A heck of a lot more sites should have chat embedded on them than currently do. HN is a perfect example. We should have a "Chat" link in the navigation bar where we can hang out. We should be automatically signed in with our existing usernames.
A while ago I looked into doing this and were no good options. Mibbit was the closest but it's a bit ugly, doesn't have much of an API, and relies on IRC (which has pros and cons).
Personally I hate the Meebo-style bar they've implemented, but the actual chat is good and you can embed it in a page and disable the bar entirely.
hehe thanks. Unfortunately most of my work lately has been on scaling and keeping the service running smoothly. One day I'll get back to adding features and smartening things up :)
Good luck to envolve BTW, they have a good product I think, hopefully the're ready for the inevitable growing pains, attacks, etc etc
Honest question - why do more sites need chat? Is it really something people are dying to do? I find directly chatting rather awkward when I'm not fully engaged with the person to begin with. I feel like most people start with delayed communication (message boards, email, etc) and work towards quicker means of communication (chat, video, phone, etc) only when warranted.
For me, chat toolbars that can be placed on third-party sites make me think of Meebo as well. I don't think Facebook has a third-party embeddable toolbar (yet).
chartbeat did the exact same thing called firefly. Their implementation was almost identical to envovle, but they ultimately pivoted to what they are today.
"the site later allowed websites to merge the toolbar with their own user account systems — which has fared better. "
Exactly. And this puts them in an entirely different category from Meboo, etc. Anybody who ever ran a forum and has tried putting a real time chat on it will know this. TC got this slightly wrong; the only real competition out there is RealChat. There are simply no other solid solutions out there. I do this search every year and come up empty handed. As for RealChat, it is too expensive.
Can someone explain to me why people keep referring to "Real-Time" chat? I've seen it multiple times and don't understand why... How is this in anyway different from just... chat. Is this some sort of buzzword bingo?
Hey HN - we've got some cool new developer tools now. We'd love some feedback if you guys want to give them a shot. Developers like you are our target audience.
This is awesome. Kinda related, I've been thinking for ages about whether one could now do encrypted chat between users in the browser, with the encryption happening at either end and the server never seeing plain-text.
Back in the real World, is there a mechanism to do a quick 'email to invite user to chat to me'? That would seem like a pretty solid way to win eyeballs.
My dad isn't on Yahoo, but he could click a link and run javascript.
I think the only piece that's missing for me is a way to bring chat logs into my application so people can review them later. My usage will be for users to answer questions so the content will be highly relevant to users who come along when a chat isn't active.
Agreed - it's been great. As soon as we added it we couldn't believe the pent up conversations that began to take place. Now we're actually hiring some community managers in large part to manage and hang out in the chat rooms.
The product itself is generally used with our API so login is automated by the site owner. On our own site we use it in its default mode where login can be done through FB or Twitter (or as a guest or our own account system)
I am not saying this is relvant to anything, but it is just interesting.
In any event good luck to Envolve. I am sure they will do much better than gooey, mostly because they do not require users to download or install anything.